One year ago, I was working in Patrasi, VDC area. I was at my own house and was wrestling one old man's bull and went to talk with that person. He had placed a large metal serving spoon in the fire to heat it red hot. He then put it on the bull's eyeball. The bull reared up. The agriculture assistant questioned the person, "What happened to your bull?" The old man said, "Wait a minute! Let me help you hold the bull! The bull cannot see, it wanders about into things" Assistant: (I looked at the eye and the white part was red and inflamed (conjunctivitis), there was a small piece of chillie in the eye.) "What medicine did you use ?" Old man: "I've tried a lot of medicines" Assistant: "What type of medicines?" We discussed this for a while, then the old man's daughter brought a large hot metal serving spoon.

Old man: "Please help me hold the bull!" Assistant: "Don't put that in the bull's eye.It will damage the eye." Old man: "We have already done this to other bulls and they got better, so this will work for this bull too!" Assistant: "Don't do this, I will bring some medicine from the veterinary office" But he put it in the eye and the bull reared up. He didn't believe me, as we didn't have a close relationship. Old man: "If this does not work then you can bring your medicine" Assistant: "OK, how many days has the bull's eye been like this?" Old man: "For 8 or 9 days!" Assistant: "What medicine have you tried?"
Old man: "The witch doctor's medicine. He said to put some uncooked rice in the bull's food and blow some into its eye and in three days it will be better." Assistant: "What other village treatment was done?" Old man: "Ground chillies, ground glass and it still wasn't healed. I am sad, because the bull is not healed. So I used the hot spoon, if the bull dies, then it dies! It wanders about and gives me a lot of trouble, because it cannot see the path" Assistant: "Who said that putting ground chillies and glass in the eye would make it better?" Old man: "Everyone says it and does it!" Assistant: "If your animal is ill, do you not take it to the veterinary hospital?" Old man: "If people are sick, we take them to the hospital, but not for animals, they are not important" Assistant: "What do you think?" Old man: "We don't have money for animal medicines! The bull is not able to walk to the hospital and I am too old to carry it" Assistant: "Tomorrow I will go to the veterinary hospital and get the medicine (Tetracycline)" But the bull died. Old man: "You were too late with the medicine!" Later the old man thought: "if I had known about the medicine and met you a few days before, the bull would not have died. That bull cost me 6000 rupees. Now I know about your work and we will not put these things into the bulls eyes."